Monday, December 29, 2008

in which jess guestblogs

This is Jessica (Aliza's youngest sister), guestblogging as we await our flight to Italy.

We just came back from the Nile Cruise. There were many hyroglyphic-filled temples in Upper Egypt, as well as many donkeys and camels, which made me very happy. The Nile Cruise was nice, although our room was in the third class- had it been the Titanic, we would have died. We toured with another American family from Boston. They were very nice, even if they did have a very small, squeaky child who seemed to know a lot about Egyptian mythology.

Cairo was a lot of fun. Cairo traffic, however, was not. The pyramids were very cool and large. Oddly, even though they are pretty gigantic, when the Cairo Smog was particularly prominent, you couldn't see them. I enjoy Egyptian food quite a bit- koshari, faoul, felafil, yum! And now we will go to Italy, where there will also be delicious food.

In other news. I rode a camel. It was wonderful.

-- Jessica (p.s. I also chose the tags for this post.)

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