Sunday, November 30, 2008

i wasn't supposed to put beef in the trifle

I wish I had some wacky Thanksgiving-abroad stories to share, but my Turkey Day was pretty low-key (and lack of Black Friday made me sad, though I am sure my wallet and bank account rejoiced). On Thursday I went into work and finished up the editing for our December issue (should be out any day now), ending a rather long work week (thus the reason for my lack of posting last week... sorry about that).

So, Thanksgiving! I know I have mentioned here on the blog before that my group of friends here is really great, but it bears repeating because in a way, they are my Cairo family. We had a nice (though rather informal) dinner at the British Club, with other friends arriving a bit later for the drinks portion of the evening. Thoughtfully, the British Club paired Thanksgiving with Disco Night, which resulted in some truly excellent background music. Otherwise a fun weekend that also included a trip to the Hard Rock Cafe Cairo and plenty of Thanksgiving leftovers.

On Saturday, I went with N and A1 to the AUC bookstore, which was having a 20 percent off holiday sale. Most English-language bookstores are pretty expensive, so this was a good opportunity to stock up (especially given that I have some upcoming vacation time when I will have a lot of time to read). In college I always felt guilty for reading for fun when I had school books piling up, so it's been nice to find the time to read for fun again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Its too bad, black friday shopping was good this year. Much fun was had by all!