Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I will be departing Cairo in about 5 hours to go to Israel. I will update later from there, but to get you in the Passover spirit, here is a video from The Prince of Egypt. Enjoy!

Personally, I am excited for my own little Exodus from Egypt to Israel for Passover (though to be fair, I don't feel like I am fleeing or anything since I like it here). But it will make many of the passages in the Haggadah so much more applicable this year!

And as another fun bonus, at my Arabic less today, my tutor taught me how to say "split the Red Sea," so when I am on the bus with an intense look of concentration I can explain what I am trying to do. For the curious, it is: Fil Pascua dee, ana eayza ae'sem bahr al-ahmar zay Mussa. (Literally: This Passover, I want to split/divide the Red Sea like Moses.) Impress your friends!


Lauren said...

ever notice how in this scene Moses looks like Da Vinci's representation of Jesus in his Last Supper painting? Right down to the clothes he wears. Coincidence?

RachelFairy said...

i'm pretty sure learning that phrase makes you an official dork :P