A couple posts ago I mentioned that my company entered a deal with a bigger corporation. Well, as a result of that deal, I got my first-ever employee benefits: a shiny new phone! My old phone is literally the cheapest phone that they had in stock in the Vodafone store when I first got here, so imagine my delight at getting a flippy phone (and I think we all know how much I love those) with free minutes and actual ringtones and a camera and other fancy things, the Arabic letters on the numbers so I can text bilingually.

As you can see, the classy (and shiny!) flip phone on the left is proof of my semi-legitimacy in Egypt. (I have a work phone! I've never had a work phone before!) On the right is the tiny, mostly functioning phone I picked up when I got here.
Also, successfully asked for first-ever official vacation time, in December when the fam comes to visit. Overall, feeling very adult and professional this week. Scary.
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