For my first weekend in Cairo, I enjoyed a fun mix of tourist attractions and some time exploring the city. On Thursday night, I went to a concert with friends at Al-Azhar Park, a beautiful green space in a crowded city. The concert was a hip-hop showcase put on in connection with the Spanish Embassy. It featured several different MCs and rappers, including a really excellent Egyptian hip-hop group called Arabian Knights, and an excellent Spanish rapper named Frankt. I love Madrid, and it's always nice to be reminded of Spain. They were accompanied by a crew of hip-hop dancers, who were really talented, and the whole thing was in this cool outdoor amphitheater in the park. Apparently, they do cheap outdoor concerts all summer, and I would definitely come back to another.
On Friday, I went to the pyramids with three other girls from AIESEC. They all live together in Mohandessin, a neighborhood not too far from where I live, so I met up with them in the middle and we all took a cab together. Overall, I thought the pyramids were cool -- obviously extremely impressive up close, and being able to going inside was also really awesome. It's a bit of climb inside, and it's also a definite plus that I am not claustrophobic. I have seen other photos before, but seeing the pyramids up close was just so cool. The sphinx is also there (though a bit smaller than I expected... kind of like Mt. Rushmore). There are cool photo ops if you can position yourself correctly, and you can make it look like you've got your finger on the tip of the pyramid, or like you are kissing the sphinx. Judge the results below! The student ID card I got in Chicago before graduating already paid for itself with the student discount here, and I highly recommend it for anyone traveling.
And yesterday, I went to see Hancock at CityStars, the massive 6-floor mega-mall in Heliopolis. There are tons of chain restaurants (Romano's Macaroni Grill! Friday's! Chili's! Fuddruckers?) We had dinner at Wagamama, an Asian-style noodle house, and wandered around the mall a bit before the movie. It doesn't really feel like Cairo; everything is all clean and shiny, and there are tons of familiar stores that just seem out of place in Egypt. Like Billabong -- really? Cairo just doesn't scream "California surfer types." The movie was good, and I had fun trying to pick out the words I knew in the Arabic subtitles. I especially enjoyed the 5-minute cigarette break/intermission in the middle. Hafsaka, anyone?
I finally moved into my apartment in Zamalek with my flatmates H and M (using initials since I am not sure if they want their names used). My room is nice and big, and luckily the apartment came furnished (most seem to). There are still some things we will have to fix -- there is no shower curtain, and our fridge is in the hallway while the washing machine is in the kitchen. I kind of think it should be the other way around, but the landlady did not seem to think there was anything wrong with this arrangement. For now it's okay, but I think we will be doing some re-arranging this week. Mostly I am glad that I will finally be able to unpack and won't have to live out of my suitcases anymore.
Here are some pyramid photos:
i am so jealous of you visiting the pyramids! in 5th grade and for most of middle school i was like obsessed with ancient egyptian history. and the pix of you kissing sphinxie and touching the point of the pyramid we very nicely done. i might photoshop you out and me in. i am THAT jealous. i was actually watching when harry met sally the other night and loved the line where billy crystal says "i have this theory that all hieroglyphics are an ancient comic strip about a character named sphinxie". and to think you were actually there when I watched that!
basically i need to get out of the country and travel. though not gonna lie, chicago in the summer is the greatest thing ever. fireworks and concerts and farmers markets and just lots of sun. this past weekend i finally got my florida color back! yay!
i'm loving your blog and it really makes sitting in this windowless closet i call my workspace bearable. i'm really glad to hear you're having such a wonderful time.
alizaaa! i love that you have a blog, so that i may keep up with you when we don't get to chat. :)
i'm glad your job is working out well. and i love the pyramid pics!
we'll have to ichat asap.
miss you!
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