Thursday, July 23, 2009
begin at the beginning
Thanks for visiting! To read about my year in Egypt from the beginning, please click here. To advance through the posts in chronological order, just keep clicking "newer post" at the bottom. Feel free to leave comments, and I hope you enjoy!
Monday, July 20, 2009
all things go, all things go
Well everyone, this is it: the farewell post. I wanted to take this time to write some things that I love -- and am going to miss -- about Egypt, and the Middle East in general. Here they are, in no particular order.
1. Street food. Many people complain about the food in Egypt, but I don't agree. True, it's far from gourmet; if that's what you wanted, you'd be better off in Morocco or Lebanon. But for cheap, delicious, and occasionally greasy local street food on the go, you can't beat Egypt. My favorites: tall glass of mango or guava juice, or banana with milk (sounds weird, but it is so good!), or as'hab, a juice made of sugar cane; fuul, aka stewed fava beans with tahina and salad and sometimes hot peppers, especially from Mah'roos, aka Biblical fuul, aka the fuul place in Garden City; koshari, the classic Egyptian vegetarian peasant dish made from rice, noodles, chick peas, fried onions, lentils, spicy red sauce and some of that garlicky/vinegary stuff on top; fiteer, a kind of fried dough eaten with honey as a dessert or with veggies and cheese or meat as a meal; and of course fatta, which is rice, fried pieces of bread, chicken schwarma, and taamayya (garlic sauce) on top. So good. All of it. Now I just have to find a decent Egyptian restaurant in New York.
2. The call to prayer. When it comes to speaking Arabic in Cairo, Egyptian Ameyya has been much more useful to me than the classic fus'ha I learned at Northwestern. But there is something so beautiful about classical Arabic: when it's written, I love the calligraphy, the flowing script, whether its the inticate designs on Islamic buildings or sprawled across a store front or on the cover of a book. And I love the sound of it, the allahu akbar echoing around me five times a day, marking time and filling the streets and alleys. Hear it at 4 am? Stayed out too late. Hear it at 9 am? Woke up too early. Hear it at 6 pm? Time to start wrapping up work and head home. Though I am not going to be joining anyone at a mosque to pray, I really like hearing the call to prayer sound around me; it reminds me that this city, my home, is filled with people coming together to share something special every day.
3. Chilling. I don't think I can emphasize the relaxed, chilled out nature of this country. Egyptians have a flexible concept of time, and are often late; I respond well to this. Everything is late: buses, scheduled performances, parties, people. I don't think I could live in a country where everyone places such a high premium on time. Everyone is very relaxed about everything; one of my favorite Egyptian words is malesh, meaning: it's OK, no worries. Bus is late? Malesh. Air conditioner broken? Malesh. I seem to be locked out of my house? Malesh! And one of the things I have learned to do here is stop worrying about time so much. I am not usually in a rush, and it's been pretty great. It makes some people anxious, and I will admit that I have moments of wishing things could run more efficiently. But it's worth it for the laid-back atmosphere all around the country. I have chilled all over Egypt: by the Red Sea, by the Mediterrean Sea, in Upper Egypt, on the Nile, in several types of desert, in Siwa, in tents, in Mosques, with Bedouins, and more. In Basata, I took off my watch for four days, and it was heaven. The most popular set-up I see in Egypt is incredibly conducive to chilling: mats and rugs and oversized pillows on the floor, a long, low table, some shishas and trays of tea, all shoes left by the entrance. You can lay out, you can lay back, you can nap or read a book or play a game of tawla/shataranj, you can forget that you were ever supposed to be doing anything else. And if you're late to whatever you were supposed to be doing next? Malesh.
4. Cairo, in all its faded glory. (Get ready, this is a long one!) In the days before Nasser took over, Cairo was a international city. There were gilded buildings and chic pastry shops, and a dignified sort of feeling to the city. Now, many of the streets have been renamed and the facades are cracked and all that grandeur has begun to crumble. Going to have a beer on the rooftop of the Odean, or passing by Groppi's in downtown, or sitting in of the Farouk-era, Victorian-style chairs in my apartment: these are reminders and relics of a more glamorous time. It's true that Cairo is not a beautiful city. But it's intriguing and interesting, and never boring.
I love the Nile, especially at night. During the day you can see the garbage washing up along the shore if you look too closely, but at night it whispers past, just a few buildings away from my Zamalek apartment. In Upper Egypt, down in Aswan, you can take a small boat back and forth across the Nile, where it's wide and quiet and sparkling blue. For three days on the Nile cruise, you can gaze off the side and see quiet fishing villages on either side, and animals, and it's beautiful. But my favorite thing of all is to get on a felluca with a group of friends, whether it's three people or twenty, and just sail and talk and chill. Some of the best conversations I've had in Egypt have been contemplative ones on the Nile. I love, whether sailing or walking along the corniche or on someone's balcony, to watch the Nile at night, gently reflecting the neon lights of the billboards and hotels, silently and eternally flowing north to the Mediterranean.
I love the minarets of mosques piercing the skyline, I love walking in the streets because there are no sidewalks (or because the sidewalks are not passable), I love the way things are built on other things so that in the same city there can be a building from medieval times across the square from an Ottoman one, I love the noise and chaos and energy of the city. They say New York is the city that never sleeps; in Madrid, they said "Ellos que dicen que Nueva York es la ciudad que nunque duerma no conocen los madrilenos" (those who say New York is the city that never sleeps don't know people from Madrid), and now I can safely say that Cairo is truly a city that functions on its own inner clock and rhythm. Everything is open past midnight, everything delivers, it is not unusual to find traffic even when it's 3 am, and the streets are crowded no matter the hour. When I first got here I considered it is the most overwhelming place I have ever lived, and now that assault on the senses is both familiar and welcome; I would not have it any other way.
5. The people. I don't even know how to put into words exactly how awesomely amazing the people I have met here are. They are from all over the world, they speak a dozen different languages, they are fun and silly and fascinating. They shared their cultures and opened their homes; they have opened my mind, as I can only hope I have opened theirs. Some I saw every day, some only once a month, but I always felt welcomed and supported. They are my Cairo family, they are such a big part of what made my year so great, and I will miss them more than I can say.
Cairo is not a perfect place, and neither is Egypt. But I'd rather think about the things I love instead of dwelling on the negative. So with that, I will say goodbye to you. I hope you enjoyed reading about my life in Egypt this year as much as I enjoyed writing. Thanks!
arabic 101,
crazy travels,
daily life,
good times,
life after cairo,
middle east,
tourist moment
Sunday, July 19, 2009
orientalist architecture
My farewell post is coming soon, I promise. But first: some photos of one of my favorite neighborhoods in Cairo. Islamic Cairo has many beautiful mosques, which I find so innately peaceful. You take off your shoes, women make sure their hair is covered, find a spare bit of carpet and enjoy the quiet. I like the beautiful vaulted ceilings and striped arches and the minarets you can usually visit if you provide a little baksheesh (tip/bribe).
It's the way I had always pictured the Middle East.
arabic 101,
daily life,
middle east,
tourist moment
Friday, July 17, 2009
middle east road trip 2009
Sorry to have been a bit absentee in the last week, blog fans, but I was doing a bit of traveling that I have deemed my Middle East Road Trip. Last weekend I went to Dahab, on the Red Sea, to get my scuba certification. After an extremely tiring two days that included four open water and two confined water dives, I am now a certified scuba diver! Very exciting stuff. The thing is, with diving you can't just get certified and then forget about it. The more you dive, the better you'll become and the more advanced you get, which means you can go on more intense dives. Translation: if you want to do cool stuff like explore shipwrecks or dive at night or try underwater photography or get additional certification as a rescue diver, you have to keep diving as much as possible. So I have really enjoyed my start this week, and I look forward to diving all over the place now that I am certified.
Then in the beginning of this week I went back to Jerusalem one more time. Though in the past I was going to meet up with family or take a friend from Egypt, this time I went alone and figured I would meet up with some people there. I have really enjoyed being so close to Israel this year, and this time (my fourth this year) was a great final trip to Israel. I stayed at Heritage House in the Old City, saw some friends, drank lots of Aroma, and even made time for some tourist-y activities. For a while now I have been meaning to go to the Museum on the Seam, a socio-political contemporary art museum. I found it incredibly interesting, so I highly recommend it for anyone going to Jerusalem in the future.
I would also like to take a moment to point out that this is my 100th blog post, which is very exciting for me! I know it might not seem like a big deal, but lots of people start a blog and then abandon it, or aren't sure what to do with it, or any number of other things. But I feel like I have gotten out of this blog what I wanted: it has been a great way for family and friends to see what I am up to in Egypt and the Middle East, and a way for me to write about my experiences, thoughts which I am sure in the future I will be grateful to have recorded here (with photos in some cases!).
But don't worry, it's not goodbye yet! There are still a few things coming on this blog. There are some underwater scuba photos courtesy of my instructor, which I will post when I receieve. And of course, there will be an exciting farewell post from me in which I say goodbye and share some parting thoughts about Cairo and Egypt and my time here and all that good stuff. So check back for that later!
Then in the beginning of this week I went back to Jerusalem one more time. Though in the past I was going to meet up with family or take a friend from Egypt, this time I went alone and figured I would meet up with some people there. I have really enjoyed being so close to Israel this year, and this time (my fourth this year) was a great final trip to Israel. I stayed at Heritage House in the Old City, saw some friends, drank lots of Aroma, and even made time for some tourist-y activities. For a while now I have been meaning to go to the Museum on the Seam, a socio-political contemporary art museum. I found it incredibly interesting, so I highly recommend it for anyone going to Jerusalem in the future.
I would also like to take a moment to point out that this is my 100th blog post, which is very exciting for me! I know it might not seem like a big deal, but lots of people start a blog and then abandon it, or aren't sure what to do with it, or any number of other things. But I feel like I have gotten out of this blog what I wanted: it has been a great way for family and friends to see what I am up to in Egypt and the Middle East, and a way for me to write about my experiences, thoughts which I am sure in the future I will be grateful to have recorded here (with photos in some cases!).
But don't worry, it's not goodbye yet! There are still a few things coming on this blog. There are some underwater scuba photos courtesy of my instructor, which I will post when I receieve. And of course, there will be an exciting farewell post from me in which I say goodbye and share some parting thoughts about Cairo and Egypt and my time here and all that good stuff. So check back for that later!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
when jesus was in egypt-land
Today I finally went to see Coptic Cairo, the oldest part of modern Cairo that contains the Coptic Museum, a number of churches, and the Ben Ezra Synagogue (entrance pictured above), which is the oldest in Egypt. Coptic Christians make up about 10 percent of Egypt's population of 80 million, but most of the Copts live in Middle Egypt. Anyway, the Coptic language is like a combination of Greek and ancient Egyptian, I think, and they are famous for their textiles and the monasteries, several of which are still in use today in places like Fayoum and Wadi Natroun.
First I went to the Coptic Museum, where they have recreated parts of monasteries and things like that. They also have complete garments that priests used to wear, as well as religious books from the 13th and 14th centuries. The oldest that they have, which is also actually one of the oldest books in existence, is a 1,600 year old (as in, from the year 400-ish) Book of Psalms in the Coptic language. I went in some of the churches, including the St. Sergius Church, which is where Jesus and family was said to have hidden out when they were passing through Egypt, and is probably the best-known church in the country. I also went into the Ben Ezra Synagogue, which was really cool. When repairs were being done on the building in the 18th (or maybe it was early 19th?) century, that's when they found the Cairo Geniza, which helped show a lot about the life of the Jews in Cairo and Egypt, including when the community was led by Rambam, a scholar also known as Maimonides (Rabbi Moses Ben Maimon = RMBM = Rambam). There were not supposed to be any photos allowed, but I gave the guard a little baksheesh (bribe/"tip") and he let me take some photos, sans flash of course. The synagogue is not in use anymore, but given that so few monuments remain to Egypt's Jews, it's nice to know that this one at least is being taken care of.
Also interesting, is that this is the first time in Cairo I have seen so many signs in Spanish as opposed to just French. Most guards, when addressing me, spoke to me in Spanish instead of Arabic (what I usually get) or English. I think it must be because lots of groups come from Spain and Latin America to see all the churches.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
moving day again
The contract on my apartment was up yesterday (July 1), so that means the last few days have been a blur of packing and moving. I am now relocated to a few floors below me, staying with some friends (actually, many friends: several other guests in addition to me mean that there are currently six people staying in three bedrooms and on a couch).
Leaving the apartment was a little bittersweet. I know my landlord (well, I suppose he is more like the manager, but he is the one who collects the rent and who I deal with), Mr. Adil, likes me because I speak Arabic and am nicer to him than other roommates who shall remain nameless (or, in this case, initial-less). He calls me "Miss Leeza" and said he was sad I was leaving (I said I was sad as well...even leaving the landlord is hard!). We kept the apartment in good shape (and with considerably more stuff than it came with), and he told me that he would keep the rent at the same level if we wanted to stay (we can't), or if we knew someone else who wanted the place (we don't). When he came to collect the keys, he was teasing us and joking. Initially he said to me "enti mushkila" (you're a problem), and when I got mock-offended he smiled and said, "la', ana araf. Naas kwayyesin, naas kwayyesin." ("No, I know. Good people, good people.") Saying someone is from good people is a very high compliment in Egypt, so that made me really happy. the building I live in is famous for having lots of foreigners and some people feel it is not an "authentic" Egyptian experience, but I have really enjoyed living there.
Packing was interesting: I have been trying to avoid needing to ship a package home, and luckily I was able to ditch some stuff here. I am donating some things to a local refugee service in Cairo (serving mostly Sudanese, Somali, Ethiopian and Iraqi refugees, I believe), and threw away some other things. Let's just say that Cairo's dusty streets, a lack of paved sidewalks and many other things have conspired to kill all but 1 1/2 pairs of my jeans, and nearly all my shoes. I get a pedicure, and by the end of the week my feet are gross again. Suffice it to say that some things were not even worth donating. So I have one large suitcase containing winter clothing, sweatshirts and other items I will not be needing in the next three weeks, and I intend to leave it closed and ready to go. The other one I am living out of, in addition to a duffel bag that I can use for travel. Hopefully this foresight will also make it easier (and faster) to actually pack when it is time for me to leave in three weeks.
Today was my last day of work. I have been saying goodbye to people this week, and although I am looking forward to the traveling I am doing in the next few weeks, I am still sad to leave. I helped select my replacement and feel that I am leaving the magazine I edit in good hands, and I guess that helps, but not a lot. I have begun applying for jobs back in the US already, and am hoping to at least have a few interviews lined up for when I go back. In the meantime, I guess this means that, freelance work aside, I am temporarily unemployed as of 6 pm tonight. Uh-oh!
Leaving the apartment was a little bittersweet. I know my landlord (well, I suppose he is more like the manager, but he is the one who collects the rent and who I deal with), Mr. Adil, likes me because I speak Arabic and am nicer to him than other roommates who shall remain nameless (or, in this case, initial-less). He calls me "Miss Leeza" and said he was sad I was leaving (I said I was sad as well...even leaving the landlord is hard!). We kept the apartment in good shape (and with considerably more stuff than it came with), and he told me that he would keep the rent at the same level if we wanted to stay (we can't), or if we knew someone else who wanted the place (we don't). When he came to collect the keys, he was teasing us and joking. Initially he said to me "enti mushkila" (you're a problem), and when I got mock-offended he smiled and said, "la', ana araf. Naas kwayyesin, naas kwayyesin." ("No, I know. Good people, good people.") Saying someone is from good people is a very high compliment in Egypt, so that made me really happy. the building I live in is famous for having lots of foreigners and some people feel it is not an "authentic" Egyptian experience, but I have really enjoyed living there.
Packing was interesting: I have been trying to avoid needing to ship a package home, and luckily I was able to ditch some stuff here. I am donating some things to a local refugee service in Cairo (serving mostly Sudanese, Somali, Ethiopian and Iraqi refugees, I believe), and threw away some other things. Let's just say that Cairo's dusty streets, a lack of paved sidewalks and many other things have conspired to kill all but 1 1/2 pairs of my jeans, and nearly all my shoes. I get a pedicure, and by the end of the week my feet are gross again. Suffice it to say that some things were not even worth donating. So I have one large suitcase containing winter clothing, sweatshirts and other items I will not be needing in the next three weeks, and I intend to leave it closed and ready to go. The other one I am living out of, in addition to a duffel bag that I can use for travel. Hopefully this foresight will also make it easier (and faster) to actually pack when it is time for me to leave in three weeks.
Today was my last day of work. I have been saying goodbye to people this week, and although I am looking forward to the traveling I am doing in the next few weeks, I am still sad to leave. I helped select my replacement and feel that I am leaving the magazine I edit in good hands, and I guess that helps, but not a lot. I have begun applying for jobs back in the US already, and am hoping to at least have a few interviews lined up for when I go back. In the meantime, I guess this means that, freelance work aside, I am temporarily unemployed as of 6 pm tonight. Uh-oh!
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